



“这太神奇了。! 谢谢你!! 伟大的演讲者/主持人! 伟大的奖项! 伟大的组织! 我感谢这次会议. I want to bring my English high school students here 明年!"


"I wanted to be sure and say thanks for all the hard work that you and your committee did to make the conference possible.  I wish I could have attended many more 类 but I had to really focus on a few. I learned so much from the 类 and it has really 帮助ed me to set some goals for completing my current projects so I can get 他们在外面. Prior to coming to the conference I had not seriously considered self-publishing, but after going to the 类 and meeting with the various authors I can see it as 现在很有可能. 谢谢 again for a wonderful conference!"


"Just a note to tell you how wonderful I thought the WHIE conference was. 你是 the consummate hostess, the sessions were informative, the presenters amazing, and 我感到很受欢迎. The presenters and attendees were so friendly, and the tone of the whole conference conveyed the vision that everyone was serious about their craft, and willing to share with others so we can all be successful. 这是一次很棒的会议. The name tags were an added plus the second day, because it’s difficult to remember 这么多新朋友的名字. Thank you, 我期待着明年的 conference."


“我的孩子们着火了! One of them got out some index cards and started writing and hasn’t stopped, where before the conference he was just so-so about it. 我其他的 son got to work and showed me the cover design for the book series he’s planning to 写. 太神奇了. 非常感谢."


"The best thing about this conference was Dene Low."


"I wish I could have stayed for all of it."


"The swords/weapons panel was great, among other fun panels."


"I liked how personal the 类 were and how great and how much information the 主持人给了."


"Writing First Book by Chas Hathaway – offered excellent 帮助s and support."


"I enjoyed and learned from all the 类 I took. 我想每个讲师 presented great material in a thought-provoking manner. 我期待着明年的 类!"


“我喜欢所有的主持人. 今天过得很愉快. 谢谢."


"The variety of 类 available was wonderful."


"Classes were very on-point and well taught by experienced, knowledgeable teachers."


"I liked Michelle Jefferies’ presentations, I liked the atmosphere."


"I like how willing the authors were to answer your questions."


"Presenters were all well prepared and knowledgeable."




“中世纪的武器 with 大卫带 were amazing!"


"Writer’s Camp from Friday was great. 再来一次."




"I liked having 类 from published authors from Utah."


"Kate Palmer had enthusiasm, energy, and great breadth of information."


"There was great input and I enjoyed the authors’ insight."


"The morning sessions were especially good. Making powerpoint available afterwards 是伟大的."


很难选择. The workshops were informative, but I loved the boot camp."


"The 类 and courses were all of the best and highest quality."


"All of the presentations I attended were very good."


"There was a good variety of 类 and a wide range of topics from general basics 真正具体的小众话题. The First Page Shred was fantastic!"


"Sarah Beard on Romantic Tension and Brent Boswell on critique groups were my favorites."


"I liked meeting and talking with all the presenters."


“课程非常棒. I am going to be reading about story structure, etc. 我有大约9本书要读."


“我真的很喜欢这些工作坊. My favorite or most 帮助ful was the Picture Books. I especially liked that the instructor had notes he handed out so you could just listen. The Novels Approach to Research was very 帮助ful also. 春假的时候开 很好."


"Loved the weapons and defense 类! Great presenters – especially on self-publishing."


"I enjoyed all the sessions – can’t pick a favorite."




"The 类 I enjoyed most were: Self-publishing – Brent Boswell, Indie Cover – Mikey Brooks, Writing Action – Michelle Jefferies, Medieval Weaponry – 大卫带."


《网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行》,作者:Dene Low."


"The presentations were well done."


"I liked the number of presenters – the 类 were great!"


"I like the education and contacts."


"I liked Anime, Weaponry, Publishing and Genre, Art and Graphics."


"I liked Mental Health in Writing."


“一切都很好. I like that you opened the Writers Camp to students."


“好反馈. I liked connecting with other authors. 米奇很棒!"




"The feedback on my story was very 帮助ful."


"I like that the author at Writers Camp looked at our writing and gave ideas."


"I liked how much advice the authors gave me at Writers Camp so that I didn’t feel criticized but it was 帮助ful instead."


"Getting the close, honest feedback was fantastic."




"Sharing your own book was a great Writers Camp experience, as well as the personalized 帮助."


"I enjoyed talking about publishing process."


“与作家交谈! 伟大的谈话."


"I liked learning everything from C. 大卫带."


"I received 帮助ful, constructive feedback from the Writers Camp group on specific 内容."


“凯伦·胡佛棒极了! 她给出了诚实的反馈. 很棒的人."


"Being able to talk to a couple of published 写rs and getting their feedback on 我写得很好."


"Being able to talk with published authors was amazing and extremely insightful."


"The great discussion at Gregg Luke’s table was incredibly 帮助ful, as was the very 建设性的批评."


"And finally, congratulations to Ms. Player, who won the "Write Here in Ephraim 2014's" grand Kindle Nook的奖品!"